The comfort of home, the things we hide and those we leave behind: this moving, poignant drama explores the intimacies and short-fallings of Bob, Fran and their four children. From heartbreak to theft, infidelity to betrayal - will their parents’ love be enough to hold them together in times of crisis? And as happy memories cast a looming shadow over their family garden, there are certain things Bob cannot fix, no matter how well he trims the rose bushes.
Touching yet tragic, this journey through upbringing and identity shows four young people at odds with their parents’ expectations. Flying the nest always comes with its obstacles - especially when the messiness of love threatens the everyday things we take for granted. With each of their futures about to change forever, what things can we honestly know to be true?
Written by multi-award-winning dramatist Andrew Bovell, this stunning piece of contemporary theatre was first developed in 2016 with Frantic Assembly, one of the UK's most prolific theatre companies.
Suitable for all ages 13+.
Estimated running time: 2 hours 20 minutes including an interval.
The Questors present
Things I Know to be True by Andrew Bovell
In the Studio at The Questors Theatre, Mattock Lane, Ealing W5 5BQ
7th, 8th 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th February at 7:45pm, 9th February at 2:30pm.
Prices £7-18
Full details and online booking:
Box Office: 020 8567 5184
February 5th 2019