Open Days at Ealing Central Library
(Artist Samina Rough)
Ealing Autumn Festival’s Truth and Reconciliation painting exhibition has made a return visit to Ealing Central Library.
It will remain at the library until October 27, and there are Open Days on Saturday, October 15 and 22 October from 2-4pm.
Special features at the open days will be naming the paintings on display and previews of The Digital MozArt dice game created by the festival before it goes on to the international MozFest 2016 on October 29-30.
The Public Collage will focus on Mozart who originated the dice game in the 18th century that The Digital MozArt is based on. Visitors will also be invited to make letters to spell out “Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart – The Digital MozArt.”
Batrisyie Hussein - artist
Younger visitors will be able to colour pictures of the child genius Mozart, who spent part of his childhood touring London and other capital cities in Europe as an exceptional young pianist, violinist and composer.
On Saturday, October 15, some of the Hanwell based artists, including Naomi Healy, will come to talk about the paintings they have contributed to the exhibition
The artists deliberately did not give titles to their paintings and visitors to open days have been asked to ‘Name the Paintings’. There will be plenty of time for questions and answers to discuss the different titles that have been proposed.
"We are thrilled to have been commissioned to produce artwork on such as inspiring and indefinite theme as ‘Truth and Reconciliation’ and have all interpreted the theme in different and exciting ways,” said artist Samina Rough.
The exhibition is touring libraries across the borough until January 2017, and was launched at Ealing Central Library in April. For further details go to
October 11th 2016