Fielding Pupils Show Off Their Design Talents

Poster winners for Northfields Winter Wonderland competition

Cllr Millican and pupils from Fielding School

Immi (left) and Miri (right) with Councillor David Millican

Northfields Avenue Traders and Shops will be hosting the 'best ever' Winter Wonderland on Saturday 10 December from 4:00pm to 8:00pm.

There will be two real reindeer, owl petting, wreath making, face painting, live music and food all overseen by Father Christmas.



Fielding Primary School, the neighbourhood school, ran a competition for the Year 4 pupils to design the publicity poster. “Mooch” a newly-opened gift shop on Northfield Avenue kindly donated the beautiful prizes for the winner and runner-up. 

Local Northfield Councillor and Fielding School Governor, David Millican, awarded the winner and runner-up their prize at the school's Year 4 Assembly.

Councillor David Millican said: “The shopkeepers and I found it so hard choosing the winning poster.  Thanks go to all the Fielding pupils who submitted their posters, but in the end we had to choose just one winner and it goes to Miri with Immi a close runner-up.  It was such fun presenting the awards from “Mooch" to the deserving star pupils.  The poster is now proudly promoting the event in all the shops along Northfields Avenue

1 December 2016