Vincent Van Gogh – Madman or Genius?

Anthony Russell gives this month's lecture hosted by The Arts Society Ealing

van Gogh - Starry Night (1889). Moma, New York

September 5, 2024

The next lecture to be presented by The Arts Society Ealing will be given by Anthony Russell on the subject of Vincent Van Gogh – Madman or Genius?

There has probably never been fascination in an artist to rival the Dutchman who simply signed his work 'Vincent'. We are all aware of the recent exhibitions and the remarkable prices realised for this humble artist's work. Most of us appreciate the beauty of his efforts but how much do we know about the man himself?

This lecture considers exactly why, despite never selling a painting and his committing suicide in poverty, no art historian today denies his genius. The lecture says that, though seeming so extreme and exceptional, the tragic story of his loveless life is deeply moving, and his humanity makes a lasting impression.

Anthony Russell spent six years as a consultant advising on the furniture needs of prestigious buildings throughout Britain, including museums, palaces, and cathedrals. At the British Museum, where for many years he ran outreach events and hosted visiting lecturers, he has been described as "Hugh Grant meets the Dalai Lama.” Committed to the 'search for civilisation' and as an advocate of nonviolence, he is the founder of The Chandos, a forum fostering understanding, co-operation and peace through the arts. He is author of the book Evolving the Spirit - From Democracy to Peace.

This talk is at 7:30pm on Monday 23 September at Barnabas Church Hall, Pitshanger Lane, Ealing (W5 1QG).

This lecture ties in with the major exhibition at The National gallery from 14 September 2024 – 19 January 2025.

Visitors are welcome to attend at £8 per lecture (£3 for students); payment can be made in cash or by card on the evening.

Visitors are welcome to attend at £8 per lecture (£3 for students); payment can be made in cash or by card on the evening.

The Arts Society Ealing belongs to the large umbrella organisation, The Arts Society, previously known as the National Association of Decorative and Fine Arts Societies (NADFAS), which was founded in 1968. The local Society has a membership of around 140.

The Arts Society Ealing holds 10 lectures a year and more information can be found by visiting its web site.

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