Travel Back in Time to the Victorian Theatre

'Engaged' by W.S. Gilbert at the Questors

'Engaged' by W S Gilbert (of Gilbert & Sullivan fame) is a Victorian extravaganza of an evening, opening on 18th May and running until 25th May with a matinee on Sunday 19th May at The Questors.

This little known piece is a farcical comedy set in 1870, with money, love and marriage proposals a plenty. On the Scottish borders, the canny locals augment their economy by derailing express trains from London. Into this wanders wealthy bachelor Cheviot Hill, a man incapable of meeting a pretty young woman without proposing to her. Within minutes he has proposed to one and accidentally married another.

The Questors Playhouse has been transformed into a Victorian theatre, with lighting, sound effects and live music as it would have been performed at the time - there's even a 'music hall style' MC.

And there is also pre-show and interval entertainment in the Foyer with songs from Mr Sullivan and others of the period.

by W S Gilbert
Farcical comedy by W S Gilbert (and some music by Mr Sullivan)
In the Playhouse
18, 21-25 May at 7.45pm; 19 May at 2.30pm
£12.00 (£11.00 conc, £6.00 child/student), final Fri/Sat £14.00 (£13.00 conc, £7.00 child/student)

May 15, 2013


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The Questors Theatre, 12 Mattock Lane, Ealing W5 5BQ
020 8567 5184 (Mon-Fri 11.00am-1.00pm, Tues-Fri 6.45-8.30pm)