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Time for a change?

So, Sadiq Khan is claiming that the “silent majority” support his plans to charge us a huge daily amount to drive on our roads.  Does he think that we would believe that only people who are strongly against these measures will speak out, and those who are strongly in favour will just sit quietly by?  He is using the same dishonest tactics used by our local council – to ignore or discredit the results of their own consultations that are verifiably and resolutely against their plans, in favour of inventing conversations with mystery persons that appear to support them.  I think that we are all in favour of better air quality, but is this going to produce a significant and measurable improvement?  And is this the best use of our money at this time?  We are experiencing the highest inflation in a generation, we have fuel poverty, a social care crisis, a mental health epidemic, an influx of refugees from a war – I could go on.  So, what are our Labour administrations in Hounslow and City Hall prioritising – building cycle lanes and fining us for using our cars to get to work.  How can they justify a 5% council tax rise locally, and a whopping 10% increase for the GLA, when people can’t heat their homes or feed their families?  These people have become complacent and expect to be returned time after time, so make no effort to truly represent their constituents or take our views into account when they’re spending OUR money.  When you’re next in the supermarket wondering what you can afford to eat, think of the millions being spent on these pointless schemes.  I think it is time that these people – both in Hounslow and City Hall, who have shown no interest in truly representing us and are happy to raise taxes and fritter away our money on grandiose and pointless schemes, need to be voted out at the first opportunity – literally anyone else would be better than this lot.

Graham Thorpe ● 394d0 Comments