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Recently it has become a matter of contention as to what constitutes 'consultation' between Hounslow council and its residents. Although there is much chatter, and proclamations from some councillors about Hounslow being a 'listening' council, 'collaborating' with people, 'working together' and various platitudes along those lines, it would seem that there is a fly in the ointment. Where the council has made a 'policy decision' and then goes out to 'consultation' - it appears to be the case that no matter how strong public opinion is against whatever issue this concerns, that the fact it is already a 'policy decision' overrides everything else. Not very honest is it? Of course some consultation is mandatory for councils, but being bound by the results of that is not, as many of us know only too well. The other problem is the rise in decisions being handed to 'Chief Officers', who seem to decide just who and who isn't worthy of consultation, and just who is a 'stakeholder', often decisions made with no or precious little justification let alone evidence to support them. Going through the motions isn't good enough, we deserve better. But where does this leave Hounslow and all their fanfares about how they value the views of their residents, they have even made taking part in consultations on some issues more complicated and requiring people to register first! What are they afraid of? To encourage people to get involved in local issues and take pride in the  borough, these things have to be made as easy and accessible as it is humanly possible to do, not beset by obstacles and really daft statements - such as if you require a paper copy of a specific consultation, (which acknowledges not everyone is online) - then e-mail and ask for one! And they don't even spot how ridiculous that looks. Another case of a big organisation riding roughshod over the 'little people'.

Vanessa Smith ● 114d