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I understand that TfL readjusted the cameras to enforce left turn violations at Windmill Road whilst it was completely blocked and, for quite a time, no advance warning signs. There's a Pedestrian crossing that is not fully visible until you enter the turn.  On some days it was off but for a few days it remained active. Furthermore, there is a two way cycle route with  traffic signals in in one direction. Junction and markings are constantly ignored by users making it necessary to look both ways. Then the fact that pedestrians have had to walk up the road and jaywalk to simply cross the A4 causing sudden stoppages which again back up to windmill road junction.And to top it all the daily signs of emergency services of all types stuck with Ambulances and Fire appliances unable to use alternative routes. Who know how many issues with peopleslives that has caused?There is nothing in the Highway Code referring to restricted views on left turns any correct procedure for such.  TfL know this so only prosecute and quote the Right turn procedure.  Hundreds of people have probably paid fines for incorrect enforcement but rather sly enforcement as the ethos of that junction box is to allow North South free flow and right turns which of course during the works was not possible.Question is why did HounslowTfL state that this was in liaison with the local authority.So why was this permitted or actually , why was the box altered and not suspended or revised temporary signage put in place or inspected and recommended?At worst it is devious on TfLs part and slack on Hounslows part for not being pro active.  I understand via Brentford Voice that this has been raised more than a few times.

Raymond Havelock ● 79d