Brentford War Veterans Get Badges From MP

Ann Keen makes presentation at Danehurst sheltered housing

Following on from a successful Veterans Day in the summer at the British Airways Concorde club Ann Keen MP is continuing her work with veterans across the constituency. Last Friday Ann presented Veterans Badges to eligible veterans living at Danehurst sheltered housing complex in Brentford.

The seven veterans who received badges all served during World War II and Ann Keen said: “I feel very honoured to present these Veterans Badges today. We are all very grateful for the contribution and sacrifice of these ex-servicemen and women and we remember that today.”

A tea-party was held at Danehurst following the presentation and residents and relatives had a lovely afternoon.

Those who have served in the armed forces up until 1959 are currently eligible for the Veterans Lapel Badge. To apply for the badge please contact Ann Keen MP on 020 7219 5623 or e-mail

October 31, 2006