How Accessible Are Local Bus Stops?

Scrutiny review panel 30 June - have your say

At its first meeting on 30 June, Ealing Council’s Scrutiny Review Panel 1 will be considering two key aspects of access to bus services in the borough: the roll out of the new 'countdown' information system in Ealing (which provides information on expected bus arrival times to bus stops), and how the borough can improve the accessibility of its bus stops.

Areas the Panel are looking to cover include:

• locations of Countdown signage in the borough and the implementation of the programme;

• proposals which would help prioritise bus stop accessibility works;

• proposals regarding any engagement the Council may undertake to capture the views of key stakeholders on bus stop accessibility works;

• recommendations to TfL on these subjects.

The Panel welcomes contributions from interested organisations and members of the public, and that this meeting represents an opportunity to find out more and have a say.

The meeting will take place at 7pm in Ealing Town Hall - please feel free to publicise this meeting to those you think might be interested.

If you would like to attend and speak at the meeting (the latter is at the Chairman’s discretion), please contact Kevin Unwin 020 8825 6568 or at


28th June 2011