New Head for Chamber of Commerce

Stephen Fry to be CEO of local business organisation

Hounslow Chamber of Commerce has appointed a CEO – Stephen Fry.

His brief is to increase the offer and develop new opportunities for the business community in the London Borough of Hounslow.
Stephen has a 20 year history of involvement in the Chamber movement and has run a collection of businesses that have focussed on adding value to a client group that has ranged from Bluechip to SOHO.

Stephen has been a Director of Southampton and Fareham Chamber of Commerce for 10 years and has just left the Board following the successful merger between Portsmouth and North East Hants Chamber creating The Hampshire Chamber of Commerce.

During his time on the Board in Southampton he has been responsible for International Trade - leading Missions to China, Trinidad & Tobago, Guyana, Romania, Poland, France, Germany and The Netherlands; for Planning and Transport Policy and for developing a Commercial Regeneration programme for communities experiencing deprivation; for EU funding supporting businesses from the Social, Structural or Framework Funds.

Stephen says: ‘Working together, we can make a significant difference to opportunities for growth and sustainability to the Borough's Business Community. Hounslow is open for business!’

October 4, 2011

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stephen Fry

Stephen Fry

For more information about the Hounslow Chamber of Commerce please contact Sally Smith on 020 8326 6416 or