HACAN says new report adds to reasons against expansion
A new report which claims that a third runway at Heathrow would treble deaths from air pollution was welcomed by airport anti-expansion group HACAN today.(Oct 13th)
The study, from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, says that a third runway will mean deaths rising from the current 50 to 150 a year as a result of air pollution. It found that deaths from an Estuary Airport would be lower because the prevailing west winds blow the air pollution across London.
John Stewart, Chair of HACAN, which represents residents under the flight paths, said;
“On its own this report will not stop a third runway but adds to the strong reasons why a new runway should not be built. We already know that 725,000 people are affected by noise from Heathrow – that is, 28% of all people disturbed by aircraft noise across Europe. This report makes it even more unlikely any political party will back a third runway.”
October 15, 2012