Local NHS Gears Up for Swine Flu Jabs

First round of vaccinations going to most vulnerable

NHS Hounslow is gearing up for the first round of swine flu vaccinations, which the Government expects to start end September/early October 2009. But this can only take place if the vaccine is produced in sufficient quantity and licensed in time.

Dr Mike Robinson, Director of Public Health, NHS Hounslow said “Plans are being developed to ensure that vaccine protection is offered to local residents and staff most likely to suffer from complications of swine flu, or who are likely to spread the infection to more vulnerable people. We are ready to offer protection to the most vulnerable people as soon as the Department of Health signals the start.”

Mike added “It remains important to emphasize that vaccination is only one of the possible measures to control the spread of the pandemic. Personal hygiene, especially hand washing, and staying away from crowds when ill with the flu, are additional tried and tested methods that should be used”

People in the priority groups do not need to take any action yet. Further announcements will be made when the vaccination strategy is ready, and people who need a vaccine will be contacted.

The vaccination of frontline health and social care workers is expected to begin at the same time and continue for as long as necessary.

If you have flu like symptoms and are concerned that you may have swine flu, you should to stay at home; check your symptoms using the special flu symptom checker .

If you are still concerned, call 0800 1 513 100 or use the online assessment tool at www.direct.gov.uk/pandemicflu

You should only call your GP directly if you have a serious underlying illness; you are pregnant; you have a sick child under one year old; your condition suddenly gets much worse; your condition is still getting worse after seven days (or five days for a child). If any of the above apply to you and you are not registered with a GP you should call the flu treatment line on 0800 1 513 100.


August 18, 2009

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Find Your ‘Flu Friends’ Now

The National Pandemic Flu Service (NPFS) is a new dedicated website www.direct.gov.uk/pandemicflu and 0800 1 513 513 for information or 0800 1 513 100 for treatment (for people with hearing or speech impairments there is a text phone 0800 1 513 200) for people to check their symptoms and get a unique number which will give them access to antivirals if necessary.