Hounslow PCT Gets Poor Bill Of Health

Trust rated ‘weak’ after failing to meet targets

Hounslow PCT faired poorly again this year in the Audit Commission’s annual health check. These assessments, which are carried out on every NHS and independent (private and voluntary) healthcare sector, are to ensure that they are meeting the standards of care set by Government.

Hounslow PCT was given a ‘weak’ rating for their financial performance. The audit noted “This organisation failed to demonstrate that it had adequate arrangements for managing its finances and areas for improvement were identified. This organisation has been given a score of weak for use of resources, as its consideration of value for money and its financial management was assessed as weak. The organisation also failed to meet its financial targets for 2005/2006.”

The quality of services, determined by how well this organisation performed in the areas “Meeting core standards”, “Meeting existing national targets” and “Meeting new national targets” faired slightly better receiving an overall rating of ‘fair’.

Commenting on the PCT meeting core standards the audit stated “The performance of this organisation was below standard in some areas of this assessment.”

In relation to the new national targets, Government's goals for the entire NHS which aim to improve the health of the population, the PCT was again rated ‘weak’ after the commission deemed performance to be “mostly poor for this assessment”.

Although these ratings are of concern, the PCT has made improvements from the previous year’s audit. The health check looked at whether the PCT was working towards improving the care and treatment they provide to patients. Hounslow PCT was given a ‘fair’ rating in this area for Adult community mental health services and Substance misuse services and an ‘excellent’ for Tobacco control.

West Middlesex Hospital also received a weak rating for financial performance which brought its previous score overall of 'good' achieved last year down to 'fair' this year.

The Audit Commission’s full report on Hounslow PCT can be found here.

October 20, 2007