Kew Bridge Station Getting a Makeover

Taskforce ensures work begins to restore neglected eyesore

Despite being the gateway for thousands of people to visit Kew Gardens as well as other attractions in the area the current appearance of Kew Bridge station leaves a lot to be desired. This has prompted a group of local residents along with MP Mary Macleod and Network Rail to get together a task force to see what could be done about it.

Thanks to the efforts the group, Network Rail have already made some significant improvements to the station, including the removal of graffiti, increased litter-picking, bating for rats and providing more litter bins. They have also undertaken a programme of development work to the Station House, which will start following agreements on the conservation of the property and should be complete within the year. Mary Macleod went to visit the Station House last week to see what’s needed to transform this listed building. Such is the current condition of the building that she had to be fully kitted up in a hard hat and safety shoes!

She said, "I am really pleased with the positive response from Network Rail and I look forward to seeing the transformation of the Station House and surrounding area over the coming months. There is still much more that needs to be done to improve this particular area, including trying to address the issues of traffic congestion and I will continue to work with all relevant parties on this. However I am delighted with this major step forward. It shows how local residents and businesses can really make a difference to their communities when they work together."

September 18, 2011