Generous Donations Help Keep Memories Alive

SANDs provides cameras, printers and 'memory boxes' for bereaved parents

Losing a baby is an extremely traumatic and devastating experience and at West Middlesex University Hospital staff do all they can to help parents and their families during the this very difficult time.

Through the support of the West London Sands (stillbirth and neonatal death charity), West Mid has been donated two new cameras and two printers as well as several memory boxes. The donated items are to be used to give parents a keepsake of their child, if they would like it.

West London Sands (WLS) was set up by bereaved parents and supports anyone affected by the death of a baby throughout and beyond their journey of grief, both practically and emotionally. The group has a long relationship with the Trust and this continues to grow and develop with the introduction of the hospital's new Bereavement Midwife, Julia Lidderdale.

Julia joined West Mid in July and now runs regular support clinics for parents. She said “we are very grateful to West London Sands for this donation, as it gives parents the opportunity to take away memories of their child, which can help them get over the loss they have suffered.”

The next step for the group is to begin fundraising for a bereavement room at the hospital. This room would allow families to be together, privately and in a quiet location, giving parents the opportunity to spend time with their child.

Colette Murphy of West London SANDs, added “with one in five pregnancies lost, and with the numbers of patients continuing to rise at West Mid, we have already started fundraising for the bereavement room. We hope that West Mid will be an example of a great service for those who have suffered such a tragic loss”.

November 4, 2009

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Bereavement Midwife Julia Lidderdale, Gynae Nurse Jan Meloni, Colette Murphy from West London SANDs and Ward Sister, Denise Alcock display the donated equipment

West London Sands can be contacted via:
020 7730 2222