APCOA Takes Over Local Boroughs' Litter Patrols

Company's staff now can issue fines in Ealing and Hounslow

Some APCOA staff wear bodyworn cameras to record offences

July 4, 2024

A contract has been awarded to APCOA to take over the enforcement of littering and similar offences in the boroughs of Ealing and Hounslow.

The joint contract, which also includes Harrow borough, came into force on 1 July.

APCOA Environmental Enforcement Officers (EEO) will be patrolling on streets, in town centres, and in parks and open spaces. They will be able to promptly report and arrange clearance of incidents of fly-tipping, prevent cases of littering and dog fouling, and issue on-the-spot fixed penalty notices (FPN) .

In Ealing borough APCOA replaces Kingdom which saw its contract expire at the beginning of the month. There had been a number of complaints of over zealous enforcement by the company’s staff but this is understood not to be the reason for its replacement.

The contract does not include the enforcement of parking restrictions even though this is APCOA’s main business. APCOA has 5,000 employees and the Group manages more than 1.8 million individual parking spaces at 13,000 locations in 13 European countries.

Kim Challis, Regional Managing Director (UK&I) at APCOA said “We are really pleased to be working now with Ealing, Harrow and Hounslow councils, using our extensive experience in environmental enforcement to help tackle anti-social problems. We welcome the opportunity to make a difference to the local communities across these three London boroughs.”

An Ealing Council spokesperson said, “The environmental enforcement contract with Kingdom expired on 30 June 2024. Following a competitive procurement process, APCOA have been awarded the new enforcement contract.

“Anyone who has an outstanding fine issued by Kingdom should follow the payment advice on their Fixed penalty Notice and settle this in the usual ways.”


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