Council Drives Forward Transport Improvements

Parking, review of CPZs and better conditions for cyclists included in new strategy

Drivers, cyclists and commuters could all benefit from improved roads and better public transport, thanks to Ealing Borough’s new transport strategy.

The plan, which was approved by Council’s Cabinet this week, sets out a vision for what should be done to improve traffic flows and make it easier for people to get around the borough.

Some of the improvements proposed in the strategy include:

  • reviewing key junctions to find ways of increasing traffic capacity
  • investigating using electronic signs to show drivers when they can use bus lanes and looking at the possibility of opening them up to motorcyclists
  • a new Network Management Plan to ensure the Council minimises disruption caused by roadworks
  • exploring opportunities for new parking in town centres and a review of CPZs
  • implementing highway schemes to improve conditions for cyclists and increasing cycle parking facilities
  • providing on-road cycle training to give people the confidence and skills to start cycling

Councillor David Millican, Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Transport, said,“There is a relentless increase in traffic and a real need to make it easier for people to get around the borough. We are committed to working with our partners at TfL to do all we can to improve transport across Ealing and develop systems that really work. This strategy is of great importance because it sets out our priorities for the future to ensure we improve transport, making life easier for shoppers, commuters, visitors and residents.”

The full strategy is available via the Council’s website at


September 17, 2008