Council Issues Warning over Rogue Pest Control Firms

Businesses risk closure if relying on them for checks

Warning letters have been sent to 16 pest control companies operating in the borough

August 29, 2024

Ealing Council is warning local businesses to be careful which pest control services they use to check their premises.

The alert comes after inspections revealed issues after business owners had paid for checks and been given the all clear.

However, despite what the contractors claimed, hygiene inspections revealed infestations indicating that the checks were not done thoroughly or competently.

This put the businesses at risk of a negative report or even closure.

The council is urging venues to ensure they are using a legitimate company which will carry out checks professionally. It has issued warning letters to 16 pest control companies operating in the borough that have carried out poor jobs.

Leaflets are also being sent out to local businesses with helpful tips and information on how to check if their sites are pest-free and continue to meet the standards. This includes making sure holes or gaps at entry points are properly blocked off, and understanding who is responsible for pest proofing within their business.

Last year, officers inspected more than 2,100 food businesses, whilst also dealing with more than 1,000 complaints, referrals, and requests for advice. Over the course of 2023, 34 Hygiene Emergency Prohibition Notices were served to local businesses, with most due to pest control issues. Those businesses were required to stop trading immediately until they had made the necessary improvements.

Councillor Kamaljit Nagpal, the council’s cabinet member for decent living incomes, said, “Our dedicated officers are doing a fantastic job to make sure the borough’s businesses maintain the highest possible hygiene standards.

“Local businesses should regularly check that their pest control contractors are reputable and delivering a high-quality service.”

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