Local Safer Neighbourhood Teams announce crime prevention initiatives
There has been a significant increase in residential burglaries in Ealing Borough particular within Southfield Ward and Acton Central Ward. The main method of entry to premises has been through front sash windows.
The advice given from the crime prevention officer is to:
Please also note, it has been identified, that UPVC doors are not secure until the key has been turned, activating the whole locking system. Without turning the key, burglars can gain access to your property causing little or no damage.
This week officers from Southfield Safer Neighbourhood Team launched a new scheme designated to fight against bogus callers and rogue traders targeting most vulnerable members of our society.
The packs are mainly addressed to elderly but also to all those who may lack confidence when dealing with people at the door. Primarily, the pack has been designed having those vulnerable in mind; it can, however, be requested by anyone who is interested in the scheme.
Bogus callers had been tricking their way into people’s homes, allowing them to burgle those properties. Many people would not have even previously realised they have been targeted. The pack was created to inform residents about how to defend themselves against unwelcome visitors, whilst still allowing legitimate people to access their properties. With a large number of people joining the scheme, police are hopeful to see a decrease in amount of attempts or crimes committed.
The scheme is a joint partnership between Metropolitan Police in Ealing and Ealing Council. Southfield Ward is the first one to launch this initiative.
Officers from Ealing will be re-visiting the people who have been given the packs to hold further talks about scheme and to listen to any suggestions and experiences they had whilst using the scheme.
If you require any further information please contact your local Safer Neighbourhood Team or call police in Ealing on 0300 123 1212 or Ealing Council on 0208 825 5000.
Southfield Ward Team has also adopted the Message in a Bottle scheme. PC Deabreu from Southfield Neighbourhood Team said: "We have run this second initiative along side the Nominated Neighbour scheme, as people who need one usually need the other. This scheme will aid people who may be at risk of collapsing alone at home. It will allow for the emergency services upon entry to obtain important information such the person’s medications, illnesses and next of kin".
Your Safer Neighbourhood Team are more than happy to give you further crime prevention advice. They also offer to carry out FREE crime prevention surveys of your homes.
January 22, 2009