25% of the borough are still not using the special green boxes
A quarter of Ealing residents are still not using their food waste bins to recycle and the council want more to do so.
Ealing currently recycles 45% of all its waste and it has a target to reach 50% by 2018. The council spent £8million on disposing of non-recyclable waste last year.
Currently 75% of residents use the food waste collection service. To order your free green food waste bin, go to www.ealing.gov.uk/recycling.
When food waste is thrown away in rubbish bins, it is smelly and attracts foxes and other vermin. Food waste that goes to landfill is also bad for the environment. As it breaks down, it produces methane, a gas that affects global warming and is 20 times stronger than carbon dioxide. However, food that goes into the green food waste bin is taken to a special recycling plant where it is turned into electricity that is fed back into the national grid and used to power homes.
Those with a green box collection can use it to dispose of any drink cans and glass bottles, cardboard, paper, juice cartons, and aluminium foil and trays used for your party food. All plastic bottles and lids, plastic cups, food trays and ice cream tubs can all be placed in the white plastic sack. Food trays should be rinsed first.
Those on a red route or who receive the flats recycling service can use their clear plastic sacks to dispose of their recycling responsibly and there are also a large number of recycling sites placed around the borough.
Councillor Bassam Mahfouz, cabinet member for transport, environment and leisure, said: “The majority of residents in our borough recycle and I want to thank them for their efforts. You can get rewarded for recycling by collecting points to use, either for discounts in local businesses, or to donate to local charities, with Green Redeem. Join in and see how easy it is to recycle and reduce the amount you send to sit in landfill."
27th October 2015