New GP Appointment Times Available in Ealing

Three practices across the borough offering new service

A new GP service is available for Ealing residents to make appointment in the evenings, weekends and bank holidays.

GPs and nurses can now offer patients appointments from 6.30pm-8pm, Monday to Friday and from 8am-8pm, Saturday and Sunday.

These new hours are in addition to existing GP services, meaning that residents can now pre-book GP and nurse appointments from 8am-8pm seven days a week.

Any patient registered with an Ealing GP can access these appointments at three practices across the borough.

Appointments can be booked at any one of these practices through your local GP practice or by calling NHS 111 when your GP practice is closed.

Dr Mohini Parmar, Chair, NHS Ealing Clinical Commissioning Group said:

“Our aim is to make GP services quicker, safer and accessible to all; especially for parents, carers and people with work commitments. Previously, patients have told us that they were concerned about the lack of access to GP and nurse appointments. We are really pleased to announce that we are now able to offer evening and weekend appointments for our patients so they have more access to GP services”.

As well as improving GP services, this new offering is expected to improve:
• patient experience and
• reduce avoidable A&E visits and unscheduled hospital admissions.

For more information or to book an appointment with a GP or nurse please contact your local GP practice or call NHS 111.


5th September 2017