New Edition of Local History Journal Released

Subjects include a Kew Bridge hotel and slave-owning families in Stamford Brook

A watercolour of the Brentford riverside features on the front cover. Picture: Duke of Northumberland's archives
A watercolour of the Brentford riverside features on the front cover. Picture: Duke of Northumberland's archives

June 14, 2024

The thirty third edition of the Brentford & Chiswick Local History Journal is now available for sale online.

The annual publication contains 28 fully illustrated A4 pages with a full colour cover. It costs £10 a copy plus postage and packing and can be ordered here.

The Brentford and Chiswick Local History Society aims to publish the best of recent research into the area’s past. It gives a significant opportunity to share the outcomes of recent research with its members and a wider audience.

The 2024 edition includes an article by Jonathan Burchill in which he outlines his detective work which has revealed the history of the long-forgotten Oxford & Cambridge Hotel. A plaque was placed near the site in 2023 to mark the fact that the meeting which founded Brentford F C took place there.

Dr Angus Vine tells us about the astonishing quality and quantity of books and manuscripts kept by the Clitherow family of East India Company merchants at Boston Manor House from the 17th century onwards. His book Early Modern Merchants and their Books will be published in 2025.

James Wisdom describes Sutton Court Farm, the largest in Chiswick Parish, using a 1726 inventory prepared after the death of owner, Daniel Burford. A transcript of the inventory is now on the Society's website, listing the contents of the farm house and outbuildings, the crops in the fields and modest personal possessions.

Nicholas Bueno de Mesquita tells the pleasing story of the rescue and conservation of Thomas Matthews Rooke’s original inn sign for The Tabard in Bedford Park now displayed at St Michael & All Angels Church, and Val Bott provides two 18th century stories, one revealing the Stamford Brook families who owned Caribbean estates with enslaved workers, and the other the reaction of local people to the gibbeting of a hanged murderer at Turnham Green in 1706.

The Journal has been edited by Val Bott, laid out by Mike Paterson and printed by the Society’s long-standing printer, Carfax Docuprint. It is illustrated throughout in black and white and colour; the cover image is a fine but little-known watercolour of the Brentford riverside.

Membership of the Brentford & Chiswick Local History Society ensures that you receive details of the Society’s programme of talks and outings and entitles you to a copy of the annual Journal. From time to time there are opportunities to join a small research group or assist with a local history project.

Meetings, usually on the third Monday of the month, take place at Chiswick Memorial Club, Bourne Place, off Dukes Avenue opposite Chiswick Library. The membership year runs from January to December and the annual subscription costs £9.00. If you wish to join, either come along to one of the meetings, or print off, complete and send the membership form with your details and cheque for payment, or if you wish to use your credit or debit card through PayPal, click here but also send an email to giving your name, address, phone number, and confirmation that the society may contact you by email in the future.


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