Little Stars Plant Sunflowers for World Down Syndrome Day

Children were attending dance class in the Blondin Park Pavilion

The group's photos displayed by the path. Picture: Angelika Berndt

March 28, 2024

To coincide with World Down Syndrome Day last Thursday (21 March). children attending the Little Stars dance class in the Blondin Park Pavilion planted sunflowers.

It was organised by Laura of Laura Egan Performing Arts who has a baby with Down Syndrome. She thought it would be a good way of raising funds and at the same time give the young people she was already teaching a different sort of enjoyment. She donated the fees from the parents to the cause. Her husband Chris Egan is doing his own bit by running the London Marathon.

Linda Massey who hires out the venue on behalf of the Blondin Consortium said “I was sorry not to have been there that day, but it certainly looks like they enjoyed their time. Thanks to Laura from for organising this”.

The Blondin Consortium is a group of volunteers who has helped create a social hub. It aims to provide a platform for people to socialise, connect and give back in a variety of ways.

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