The Curious Adventures of Pinocchio by Lyngo Theatre
Sun 26 Mar, 3.30pm
Age: 5+ years
Running time: 25 mins
Tickets: £8 / £7 concessions /
They wowed us with their spectacular Christmas Show Snow Play, and now we are delighted to invite them back with their adaptation of one of the best loved classics for children. Crickets, cats, foxes and, of course, the world-famous puppet, will spring out of our collection of dusty, old, magic books while Patrick Lynch from CBeebies pulls all the strings and turns all the pages to bring you the true story of Pinocchio, no lie.
Come and join him on his incredible journey, you'll have a whale of a time!
Wednesday Mornings Are Baby And Toddler Mornings!
Date: Every Wednesday, Term Time only
Time & Age range: 10:15am – 11:00am (0 – 24 months) / 11:15am – 12:00pm (2 – 4 years)
Tickets: £5 / £3 Concessions
A very popular musical workshop with plenty of fun and games, this is a brilliant way to bond and introduce music to your children. Pandemonium’s mixture of sing-a-long fun is a great opportunity for big and small people alike to make new friends.
Parent & Baby Cinema
Date: Every Wednesday, 11.30am.
Tickets: £6.50 (£5.50 conc)
Screenings of the latest films for parents or carers with babies under one. The screenings are relaxed. There’s a car park which is completely accessible for buggies, lots of buggy parking in the cinema foyer, and baby changing facilities. Plus a lovely big café where you can stay for cake, coffee and perhaps one of the delicious Indian wraps on offer!
Date: Every Wednesdays Term Time only
Time & Age range: 4.15pm – 6.15pm for 8-12 years & 6.15pm – 8.15pm for 13 – 18 years
Ticket Price for 11 weeks: £100 (1st week is free)
Come and be part of a youth theatre company, to build theatre skills such as devising, script work, voice work, ensemble, physicality and new writing. For full details see Watermans website.
Every Saturday Morning at 11.00am
Tickets: £5 whatever your age
Every Saturday morning. Half term and school holidays. Capture your favourite family films old and new, on the big screen. See website for detailed information.
March 20, 2017