Council to source from green and renewable sources
Ealing Council will be sourcing all its electricity from green and renewable sources from next year in a bid to tackle the climate emergency.
It means that the council’s buildings, street lights, housing and most schools in the borough will be using 100% renewable electricity – for 30% less than the previous cost of green electricity to the council.
Councillor Julian Bell, Leader of Ealing Council said: “It’s vital that we urgently address the climate emergency and make sure that the council moves towards a greener and more environmentally-friendly organisation from top to bottom.
“It’s hugely encouraging that we have committed to sourcing 100% renewable electricity across all our buildings, street lighting and in two-thirds of our schools as this will make a real difference to our overall carbon footprint.
“We are already in the process of updating the council’s fleet vehicles, switching from diesel to electric as we push towards zero carbon emissions.”
Councillor Bassam Mahfouz, cabinet member for finance and leisure said: "As a council, we are absolutely committed to tackling the climate emergency and we can do so through the actions we take and particularly through how we spend council funds.
"I am delighted that we have been able to secure a deal for renewable electricity that not only ensures we are helping reduce our carbon footprint but will reduce our bills by 30% over our previous contract.
"In addition to this, we are continuously looking for opportunities to be a catalyst for positive change with how we spend the money we have to drive better efficiencies and greener results. We simply cannot afford not to.”
The council is also looking at greener options for its gas supplier and will consider changes that represent value for money for council tax payers.
November 12, 2019