Consultation about services available to sufferers
If you have been affected by stroke, the council wants to know how it can help and what it could do better to support you.
A consultation event is being held between 11am and 3pm on 19 January, at the St Paul’s Centre, St Paul’s Road, Brentford, and anyone who has been affected by stroke is invited to come along and share their views about the services in place.
Cllr Pamela Fisher, lead member for adult social services and health at the council, said:
"Getting the right support can make a big difference to how well someone who has had a stroke manages their life when they come home from hospital.
"Council services available at the moment include physiotherapy, occupational and speech and language therapy, lifestyle management classes and expert patient programmes offered through NHS Hounslow.
"There are also careworkers available that can help with personal care at home and give support and training for family carers, and our adult social care services can help supply equipment to make it easier to manage in the home.
"However, despite all this, we know that there are other things we could do to make life easier for people in this situation. Suggestions can be big or small, but they could make a real difference to planning for the future."
The event is aimed at:
· People who have had a stroke
· People with someone in the family who has had a stroke
· Those who care for someone who has had a stroke
· Local organisations which support people who have had strokes
Attendees are asked to let the council know they are coming, or if they have any special requirements for communication or transport, by emailing or calling 020 8583 6217.
If you are a carer for someone who has had a stroke, some provision may be able to be made so that you can attend the event.
January 7, 2010