Hounslow ink 25 year deal with Vinci-Ringway
A historic deal that will deliver the most comprehensive programme of street improvements in the borough’s history was signed last week (30 August), with work due to start in January.
Prior to signing the deal, the Council had to inject an extra £307,000 to clean up Hounslow, following a report that ranked the borough as the dirtiest in London.
The extra money was a stop gap after members of a scrutiny panel highlighted their concerns about the quality of the street collection service and recommended that the Council took steps to improve the service before January 2013 when it is being taken over by private contractor Vinci.
The panel identified shortcomings in litter picking and supervision which had led to Hounslow becoming the only borough ranked in the bottom five for all types of street care problems. They were the worst ranked borough for litter, detritus and fly-posting in London.
The 25-year, £800 million contract will see the borough’s streets repaired by Hounslow Highways, a partnership between Vinci-Ringway and Hounslow Council.
The contract covers a range of street features and services including: resurfacing streets and pavements, replacing and improving lighting, upgrading street furniture, keeping the streets clean, removing graffiti and the rubbish created by fly tippers, as well as taking care of bridges, trees and verges and gritting the roads during winter.
The first five years of the programme will see the roads and pavements that are in the worst condition dealt with first, and the contract will also prioritise street cleansing and tackling litter. The council has already made improvements to its street cleansing services, which will see additional resources put into cleaning the borough’s streets in the coming months.
Cllr Colin Ellar, Hounslow’s cabinet member for environment, said: “I’m delighted that we’ve formally signed the contract for Hounslow Highways, which brings what will be the most comprehensive programme of street improvements for the borough another step closer to reality.
“Improving the state of our streets is a major priority and Hounslow Highways gives us the opportunity to take this forward. Although it’s a 25-year project, residents will be able to see real improvements from next year, as we recently approved the work programme for the first year of the contract which will deliver a renewed street environment across the borough.
“With such a large scale project there will be some inconvenience, but the council will be listening to resident’s concerns to minimise this as much as possible, and people will be able to report problems quickly and easily via a new website that will soon be up and running.”
Vinci Concessions PFI director Phil Jackson said: “We recognise that this is a particularly important project for the borough and are looking forward to working alongside the Council over the coming months and years.”
September 6, 2012