Most vehicle crime is opportunistic and happens as a result of a vehicle being left vulnerable or unsecured, for example:
- Doors or windows left unlocked
- Keys left in the ignition
- Personal belongings on display (e.g. handbag, laptop)
- Satnav and/or holder left visible in vehicle
- Parked in a poorly lit areas
There are simple steps you can take to make life even harder for criminals.
The advice below will provide you with some tips on how you can outsmart car thieves. Following these simple steps will help us to reduce vehicle crime even further and save you the hassle and expense of having to repair any damage caused during a vehicle break-in.
You can significantly reduce the chance of your vehicle being targeted by taking a few simple precautions:
- Disconnect and remove your sat nav every time you leave your car
- Remove the suction mounted fittings and erase any marks they leave
- Don't put the sat nav in the glove compartment - thieves may be watching you
- Get your sat nav security marked - use forensic property marking kits or UV pens
- Register it and any other valuable on the Immobilise national property database
- Park in a well lit, busy area or a secure car park
Parking your vehicle:
- Park in open well-lit and secure areas wherever possible.
- Ensure windows, sunroof and boot are all secured and doors locked when leaving your vehicle unattended, no matter how briefly.
- Take keys with you when leaving the vehicle unattended.
- Leave the glove compartment empty and open when vehicle is stationery
- Remove your sat nav and its cradle and wipe away any sucker marks.
- Fit an alarm or immobiliser.
- Activate the steering lock - whenever and wherever you park.
- Have the vehicle registration number etched on each of the windows.
- Postcode your vehicle stereo using an ultraviolet marker.
- Keep your vehicle in a garage if possible.
- Keep vehicle keys secure and out of sight.
- Fit a locking petrol cap and wheel nuts.
- Fit a steering lock.
- Ensure any equipment using Bluetooth is fully switched off.
Remember - dial 999 in an emergency and dial 101 to report a non-emergency crime.
August 4, 2014