Response to consultation on £2m project
Merton's Conservative Group has given its support to Crossrail 2 and the associated investment in local infrastructure in general in its response to current consultation on the project.
The consultation follows the recent announcement by the Government as part of the Comprehensive Spending Review that it will provide £2million to fund a feasibility study into Crossrail 2.
In terms of which option to pursue, it is clear that both would enhance the travel options from Merton. In its consultation response, Merton Conservatives have lent their support to the smaller Metro option initially as a major new service for Wimbledon, which is the borough's principal transport hub.
However, in their response, local Conservative councillors acknowledged the need to divert various existing lines from Surrey away from the Waterloo choke points on platforms 1 – 6, enabling commuters to alight at other places along the new route.
The consultation response therefore supported, in principle, the progression of this wider regional option into Surrey as a second phase if the funding becomes available and subject to further details on the impact of this option for communities along the proposed route.
Councillor Janice Howard, Merton Conservatives Transport spokesman said: "Crossrail 2 would greatly enhance existing transport connections in Merton and significantly shorten journey times for residents travelling into central London and beyond. This is a very exciting time for transport in Merton, following on from the recent and planned tube investments made by Mayor of London, Boris Johnson.
"If the regional option were to be progressed, Merton's Conservative councillors would wish to see improved facilities at those stations in the borough, such as Motspur Park, through which the route passes, in order to mitigate some of the inevitable disruption for local residents. This could include refurbishment or expansion of stations like Motspur Park station and the installation of lifts to cope with the increased footfall.
"Merton Conservatives fully support the concept of Crossrail 2 and look forward to contributing further views as the project progresses and more detailed proposals are brought forward."
August 9, 2013