Your chance to comment on local strategy
Merton Council has launched a final consultation on its draft Local Flood Risk Management Strategy to ensure every resident and business has the opportunity to send in their views about how flood risk will be managed in the borough, before it is formally adopted.
Residents and businesses have until February 2 to contribute to the consultation.
Earlier this year the council consulted on what should be included in the strategy. Residents and businesses who contributed to the initial consultation have helped shape the content of the draft strategy the council is now consulting on.
One of the main concerns raised was the need for critical gullies to be cleared and better communication to be provided about flood risk. The strategy and action plan includes these priorities.
The strategy will set out clear advice to residents, businesses, community groups and developers on how flood risk will be managed by the different risk management authorities involved including Merton Council, the Environment Agency, Thames Water and Transport for London.
The main objectives of the strategy include identifying areas at high risk of flooding and ways of managing flood risk, maximising resources and funding to target those areas at greatest risk and advising communities, residents and businesses on the level of flood risk affecting them and how they can reduce the risk to themselves and their properties.
As a Lead Local Flood Authority, Merton Council has a duty to manage the risk of flooding from surface water, groundwater and ordinary watercourses across the borough.
Merton Council's cabinet member for environmental sustainability and regeneration, Councillor Andrew Judge said: "Flooding is something that could potentially affect all of us in the London area and I thank all the residents and businesses who told us about their flooding concerns and what they think should be in our strategy. We’ve incorporated their feedback into our strategy and this is another opportunity for residents and businesses to have their say before the strategy is adopted, enabling us to be as prepared as possible to deal with incidents which could arise in the future."
Residents and businesses are welcome to take part in the consultation by completing the questionnaire online at where a copy of the draft strategy and supporting documents can also be found.
Paper copies of the questionnaire, the draft strategy and supporting documents are available in Merton Libraries. A paper copy of the questionnaire can also be requested by writing to Traffic and Highways Services team, Civic Centre, London Road, Morden SM4 5DX or emailing
More information on flood risk management in Merton can be found at
December 19, 2014