Open workshops on masterplan for the next 15 years
You can have your say on the vision for the future of Wimbledon town centre at workshops taking place on February 20 and 27.
A masterplan is now under preparation by Merton Council aiming to create a vision for the future of the town centre which will guide planning, development and investment decisions for the next 15 years.
The council are holding interactive workshops from 7pm-9pm on February 20 and 27 at Wimbledon Library.
The workshops are for residents and businesses to get involved in shaping the plan at a very early stage. This will be an interactive workshop and organisers ask participants to do some homework and bring to the event;
- 4 images of buildings or spaces you love in Wimbledon.
- 4 images of buildings or spaces you really dislike about Wimbledon.
- 4 images of buildings or spaces from elsewhere that illustrates what a good quality built environment means to you.
You can book a place for February 20 at:
And for February 27 at:
Due to venue capacity, tickets are limited and the February 27 workshop will be the last one. There will be an online survey in March and more events later in 2017.
February 17 , 2017