The Oaks Hosts Annual Table Tennis Championships

Performances from Juniors were the highlight of the night

The evening saw a number of closely contested matches. Picture: Oaks Club

July 11, 2024

This Friday (5 July) the 38th Table Tennis Championships’ Finals Night was held at The Oaks at the Actonians Sport Club on Gunnersbury Drive.

The evening was the culmination of previous rounds that had been played over the last few weeks.

The age of competitors in 14 events in the annual competition ranged from 9 to 80 but it was the Juniors who caught the attention.

In the Under 11 singles Alex Cheung overpowered the less experienced Youssef M’rabet but not without Youssef keeping Alex on the run by hitting some cracking forehand shots past him.

Team mates Dominic Cotier and Matthew Cook found themselves playing each other in no fewer than 3 singles finals. With three hard hitting, close matches, Matthew clinched the Junior Under 19 Boys Singles and the Minor Singles and Dominic the Cadet Under 15 Singles.

The Junior Girls Singles saw Jacqui Lesh’s attacking game overcome Sophia Marshall in 3 straight games but with Sophia fighting all the way through.

The Ladies Doubles event was won by Jacqui and her mother, Gill, who out played Sophia and Kitty Lo, one of our newly qualified coaches, who tried everything in their power to angle out their opponents.

The Mixed Doubles proved to be an exciting match with 11 year old Alex Cheung playing with his coach, Gill Lesh, beating experienced players Kitty Lo and Greg Paluch in a close 5 game match.

The Ladies’ Singles found Gill and Kitty playing each other once again but with Gill’s experience overcoming Kitty’s steady blocking game.

In the Men’s Singles the club’s top player, Jacek Langa, overcame local cricket legend, Luke Stoughton, in a close semi-final and then proved just too consistent for his team mate, Mario Brozko’s big forehand attack. Mario had just scraped home against the steady Stephane Vial in the other semi-final. Jacek also overcame Gill in the final of the Over 50’s event and Mario in the Veteran’s (over 40) singles.

A new event this year was the Novices Singles – an invitation event for the parents of junior members which saw Alex’s father, Keith Cheung, overpowering Youssef’s dad, Adil M’rabet. Keith’s “big” forehand drive, proved just a little too hard and consistent for Adil who put up a good fight..

The presentation of trophies was made by one of The Oaks longest serving members and Life Vice President, John Wu, who is looking forward to competing at a later date in the Drawn Doubles final which had to be postponed, along with the Men’s Doubles, due to illness.

The Oaks at Actonians is currently welcoming new members for social play, training and coaching as well as offering the opportunity to compete in two local senior leagues and the National Junior/Cadet Leagues. It currently runs sessions on Monday and Thursday evenings all year round and junior coaching sessions on Friday evenings during term time. In the Autumn it is looking to expand the number of sessions available by offering adult beginner coaching.

Anyone interested in joining should email or see its website for further information.

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