2018 Elections Open for UK Youth Parliament

Hounslow Council seeking its latest member

Over the past two years one million young people have voted in the UK Youth Parliament elections and Hounslow is looking for a great turn-out again this year as the search begins for Hounslow’s latest MYP.

The UK Youth Parliament (UKYP) provides opportunities for 11-18 year olds to use their voice to bring about social change through campaigning for what they believe in.

The Youth Parliament is one of the small ways Hounslow’s young people and many others can demonstrate that the voices of young people belong in politics, and they belong in Parliament.

Fifteen students from schools and colleges across the borough are standing for election to the 2018 UK Youth Parliament.

The candidates standing this year consist of five boys and ten girls aged 11-18 representing schools across the borough. If you are aged between 11-18 and live, work or study in Hounslow then you are entitled to vote between 1-28 February 2018.

Elections to the UK Youth Parliament began on 1 February at 9am and will run until midnight on the 28 February. Young people can vote by sending their name and their preferred candidate’s name by email to stephen.hutchinson@hounslow.gov.uk by text to 07941 484 913.

Councillor Tom Bruce, Cabinet member of Education, Children’s Services and Youth Services, Hounslow Council said: “It’s wonderful to see young people wanting to make themselves heard and help make a positive difference for young people within our borough.

“We are determined to make sure the whole council takes account of the views of local young people, and MYP’s have an important role to play in this.”

In previous years, Hounslow’s Members of Youth Parliament have campaigned for improved mental health services and engaged local young people in decision-making. Hounslow takes the role of Member of the Youth Parliament seriously and one of the MYP’s most important roles is making sure that young people are represented in the council’s committees and panels.

In Hounslow, the work of the UK Youth Parliament members is supported by the Hounslow Youth Council, who meet regularly at Hounslow Youth Centre and are always looking for new members.

If you’re interested in becoming a part of Hounslow Youth Council, please contact Stephen Hutchinson, Senior Youth Worker on stephen.hutchinson@hounslow.gov.uk or visit www.younghounslow.info to find out more.

The UKYP is a youth organisation in the United Kingdom, made up of democratically elected members aged between 11 and 18. Formed in 2000, the parliament now consists of around 600 members, who are elected to represent the views of young people in their area to government and service providers. Over 500,000 young people vote in the elections each year, which are held in at least 90 percent of constituencies. It is currently managed by the British Youth Council.

Any young person who is a resident of the UK, and aged between 11 and 18 years old (inclusive) has the right to stand for election as an MYP.

February 2, 2018